European Building Summit 2023

Circular building, the sustainable approach to building the future

edificación circular
Sustainability is undoubtedly one of the key issues in any productive sector, something which Construction is not spared. A sector that has yet to incorporate many of the variables that affect the climate. The sector needs to discuss together how to deal with the situation. How to transform the industry to the new legal requirements and adapt it to the new environmental reality.

One of the possible approaches to evolve towards a more sustainable model is the use of the circular building model. Circular building refers to the construction of buildings that are design and built to have a minimal environmental impact. This type of construction is based on the principle of circular economy, which seeks to minimize waste generation and maximize the use of renewal resources. In this sense, the design and the construction of circular buildings takes into account all the entire life cycle of the building, from the selection of material to its dismantling and recycling. There are many aspects that make circular building the construction approach of the futures, and in this article we will try to develop each of them.

Reduction of waste and greenhouse gas emissions
Circular building reduces waste production and greenhouse gas emission by promoting the use of recycled materials and the reuse of existing materials. By using building materials that are already available, the need to extract new resources is reduced, which in turn reduces the environmental impact associated with their production and transport.
Increased energy efficiency
Circular buildings are designed to maximize energy efficiency and reduce demand. This is achieved through the use of construction materials with a high thermal insulation capacity, the design of buildings to take advantage of natural light and the installation of renewable energy systems.
Promotion of innovation and creativity
Circular building encourages innovation and creativity in design. The circular building approach promotes collaboration between different sectors and disciplines to find solutions to build sustainable buildings.

Long-term cost reduction
The circular approach can reduce the long-term costs associated with building construction and maintenance. Recycled and reused materials are cheaper than new materials, and buildings designed to maximize energy efficiency can significantly reduce energy costs.
Job creation and new business opportunities
This construction model can create new business and employment opportunities in the sector. Reuse of materials and renovation of existing buildings can generate employment in the construction industry, while innovation and creativity in sustainable building design can drive new business opportunities.
In conclusion, circular building is the sustainable approach to building of the future, maximizing resources and minimizing waste by promoting the reuse, recycling and renewal of materials.