Àngel Aguiló
Àngel Aguiló is an accomplished architect with extensive experience as a Project Construction Manager. Experience has focused primarily on the renovation, restoration, rehabilitation and conservation

Antonio Ruivo
Antonio Ruivo is focused on the improvement of the construction industry by the development of knowledge, as well as efficient and innovation-driven processes, through ndBIM Virtual

Belén Palao
Belén Palao is senior consultant in the Climate and Sustainability team at Arup Spain. She works on a wide variety of projects ranging from innovative

Celestí Ventura
Cateb President Technical architect and PDG for EADA. He was born in Gracia district and lives in Barcelona. He was trained as a construction manager

Cristian Salmeron
Cristian Salmeron is a Graduate in Technical Architecture and Building and Digital BIM Manager, with 9 years of experience in the construction and infrastructure sector.

Diego Rodríguez Lobato
Diego Rodríguez Lobato is a specializaed architect in energy simulation, bioclimatic architecture and industrialized construction. With special interest in issues related to construction pathology, legal

Dolores Huerta Carrascosa
Dolores Huerta Carrascosa is CEO of GBC at Green Building Council

Eneritz Barreiro
Eneritz Barreiro is responsible for urban ecosystem strategy and market manager of the building and infrastructure area at Tecnalia Research & Innovation. Architect, by the

Ferran Bermejo
Ferran Bermejo drives from ITeC the transformation of the construction sector towards its deep digitization, and the adoption of highly collaborative environments all based on

Ferran Masip Pla
Ferran Masip Pla has been involved in training and BIM consulting since 2006. His extensive experience in modeling tools leads him to be team manager

Francisco Javier Mora Serrano
Francisco Javier Mora Serrano is Senior Researcher at CIMNE

Franco Luis Vietti
Franco Luis Vietti is an engineer with an experience of more than 18 years in modular building solutions, green technologies, and off-site building manufacturing. His

Gemma Mogas
Gemma Mogas holds a Master in International Business (MIB) with more than 25 years of experience in managerial positions in multinational companies. Since 2018, Partner

Guillermo Grillo
Guillermo Grillo is an Architect and Structural Engineer specialized in industrialized construction with extensive experience in international projects.

Ignasi Cubiñá
Ignasi Cubiñá is Director of Strategy and Sustainability (CSO) and partner of Grupo Construcía. A visionary and passionate strategist and entrepreneur, he has been striving

Iván Madrigal
Iván Madrigal is a Technical Architect with more than 25 years of experience in new construction and rehabilitation, developing work as construction manager, technical/commercial director

Iván Rosel
Iván Rosel is deputy director of Production -Arquitectura ingeniería y Construcción Grupo Lobe.

Josep Lluís Blázquez
Josep Lluís Blázquez is an Art Historian. Since 1989 he works in Catalunya Ràdio, the public broadcasting services of Catalonia. Particularly involved in architecture during

Juan Carlos Cabrero
Juan Carlos Cabrero is the Director of the Industrialized Construction Technical Specialist Course at COAATM/ specialist in industrialized construction in ACR.

Licinio Álfaro
Licinio Álfaro is Head of the Sustainable Construction Department at ITeC. President of IBPSA Spain Chapter (International Building performance Simulation Association). Coordinator of the Sustainability

Luis Fernández
Luis Fernández is a Director of Industrialization and President of the Spanish Industrialized Construction Association

Maria Begoña López Ferrer
Maria Begoña López Ferrer is a specialist in Industrialized Construction with more than 20 years of experience. Components and Units Industrialization Engineering for Projects, design

Mark Farmer
Mark Farmer is CEO and a Founding Director of Cast. He has over 30 years experience in construction and real estate and is a recognised

Miquel Lacasta
Miquel Lacasta Codorniu, PhD architect by ESARQ UIC (special prize best doctoral thesis 2012), Master in Biodigital Architecture by ESARQ UIC and architect by ETSAB.

Montserrat Bosch
Montserrat Bosch is a Technical Architect, Graduate in Humanities, Doctor UPC. Professor at the Escola Politècnica Superior d’Edificació de Barcelona and is a member of

Montserrat Monteagudo
Montserrat Monteagudo is, since 2006, the head of the Cartography Section of the AMB. Her professional career, with more than 23 years of experience, is

Norena Martín
Norena Martín-Dorta is university professor in the Department of Engineering and Architecture Techniques and Projects at the University of La Laguna. She holds a degree

Nuria Matarredona
Nuria Matarredona holds a PhD in architecture. Teacher and researcher. Currently, she is responsible for the Directorate General of Urban Agenda and Architecture of the

Olivier Lepinoy
Olivier Lepinoy is part of Autodesk’s Business Development team for the AEC sector. He is an expert in strategies to help companies pivot and grow

Rafael Capdevila Becerra
Rafael Capdevila Becerra is a Technical Architect and graduated in Building Sciences and Technologies. Professional development in the field of Project Management and Construction Execution

Rafael Pedrajas
Rafael Pedrajas is responsible for the areas of Studies and Planning at Grupo Lobe. Member of the development team that has carried out a digital

Ricardo Munguia
Ricardo Munguia is a Civil Engineer from the University of Cantabria. Global Head of Digitalization, Data and technology implementation in Ferrovial Construction. 21 years of

Santiago Ribera
Santiago Ribera has developed his career in the financial sector, starting at General Electric as head of Compliance and landing at Banco Sabadell more than

Sergio Baragaño
Sergio Baragaño is founder and Director of the modular architecture studio, Sergio Baragaño, has over 15 years of unique experience in the field of industrialized

Sergio Muñoz
Sergio Muñoz is a Telecommunications Engineer. CEO and co-founder of Laurentia Technologies, and co-founding partner of bim+partners, where he develops BIM consulting services. He holds

Teresa Arnal
Teresa Arnal Vidal is a technical architect, as a professional expert in the art of building she helps the different agents involved in the processes

Thomas Winterstetter
Thomas Winterstetter has been Managing Director of Werner Sobek Stuttgart since 2008 and is Partner since 2016. After having joined the company in 2001, he