European Building Summit 2023

Teresa Arnal

Teresa Arnal Vidal is a technical architect, as a professional expert in the art of building she helps the different agents involved in the processes to manage and improve the result of the intervention in the overall construction cycle. Technical architect since 1992 and graduated in 2009, Master in Technology for the calculation, control and execution of structures in building by the UPC. She is currently the president of the Association of Technical Architecture of Terres de l’Ebre. She develops her work in a rural area and although she considers herself a generalist in her specialty, the passion for architectural heritage and traditional and vernacular architecture has always made this the field where she moves better and more. He believes he has an appreciative vision of what he knows and what he continues to discover on a daily basis. She likes to invest in everything that cannot be paid for with money. She is a polyhedral observer. Cultural expressions are the greatest of platforms, they connect synergies and project territory.