The next European BIM Summit Day, which will deal with the “BIM for developers and builders. Their fundamental role in the BIM process” will be held on Tuesday, February 26, in the Hall of the Association of Promoters of Catalonia (APCE, Av. Diagonal 472-476, 08006 Barcelona).
Productivity in the construction sector is reaching unsuspected levels. Paul Teicholz’s famous graphic already demostrated in a developed country like the United States the lack of productivity in a clear way: all productive sectors that are technified and industrialized increased their productivity in the last 50 years. The construction that is can’t do so, not only is not able to produce as it did 50 years ago but it produces less than 50 years ago. This means that we need more resources, more money, more time, more energy to do what we did 50 years ago.
The objective of this session is to analyze how BIM environments are managing to overcome obsolete dynamics in real estate development. And it has done it in a way that it is modifying the way of contracting with the IPD, the way to control the project in the shared cloud, even generating new start-ups that transgress the preformed ideas that we had about what is a real estate development in the 21st century.
This session is aimed at the world of developers, properties, real estate investors, developers, technicians of the real estate sector and builders interested in new processes such as BIM, Lean, Smart Contracts and the industrialization of construction.
11:00h Presentation of the EBSDay
Jordi Gosalves, president of CAATEEB
Lluís Marsà García, president of APCE
11:10h The future of real estate development? Efficiency and how to get it? With BIM
Jaime Astor, Head of Space Planning, BNP Paribas Real Estate
11:40h The effect “But we are different”
Pedro Júdez Muñoz, AECO Projects Consultant & Owners Representative
12:10h Goal of the BIM? Reaching industrialized construction
Javier Sánchez, Chief Innovation & Marketing Officer, AEDAS Homes
12:40h BIM as a generator of a new real estate methodology
Xavier Vilajoana, CEO -EUROCONSTRUC Group
13:10h Colloquium and round table
Moderator: Ignasi Pérez Arnal, contentdirector of the EBS19
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