European Building Summit 2023

New EBS Day 04/10 Infrastructures and BIM: The (official) involvement of BIM in infrastructures

European BIM Summit organizes on October 4 a new European BIM Summit Day session aimed at the world of engineering in general as a panoramic view of what is being done with BIM in this sector. It will be held at the site of one of the organizers, the Col·legi d’Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports (C/.dels Vergós, 16 – 08017 Barcelona).

Infrastructures have come to the foreground in these days. The approval of new investments and the outcome of the crisis are transforming an overview that now sees new possibilities of an emerging growth.

The public administrations, from the Ministry of Public Works to the public departments of city councils, are integrating BIM in their processes of contracting and monitoring of the constructions. Major engineers already offer their services internationally but now, too, “Little BIM” arrives at small engineers demonstrating a very high flexibility in incorporating these new processes. Together with the presentation of the new Infrastructure guides in this sense, they force already that the entire Civil Works sector begins to urgently adopt the BIM.

To help this incorporation of the BIM in the Civil Engineering sector, the European BIM Summit through its EBS Days organizes a session as a panoramic of the recent things taht are being done in this sector.



11:00h Welcome
Oriol Altisench, Dean of the Col·legi d’Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports
Pere Macías, President of the Cercle d’Infraestructures
Jordi Gosalves, President of the Col·legi d’Aparelladors de Barcelona
11:20h BIM at FGC. Case study: Signaling pilot project of the Lleida-La Pobla de Segur line
Josep M. Cuesta i Cuesta, Head of railway signaling systems, train protection and automatic driving, FGC-Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya
11:50h BIM at Carreteres de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Case study: C-17 Centellles pilot project
Ferran Camps, Technical Inspection, Subdirection of Projects and Expropriations, Generalitat de Catalunya
12:20h BIM in the ports’ intermodal stations. Case study: Results of the H2020 Intermodel project
 Mikel Borràs, R+D attaché, IDP
12:50h BIM and IFC in infrastructures. Case study: RoadBIM 
Agustí Jardí, Founding partner, APOGEA, and David del Villar, Technician of the Department of topography and layout of Sacyr
13:20h Closing discussion and round table
Moderates: Ignasi Pérez Arnal, content director of EBS19
14:00h End of the day

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